Links Settings
Navigate to the System Settings > Links subsection to see the list of all URLs used at the developer dashboard and email notifications. Here, you can edit these default links to customize your platform.
Below, we’ll overview how to manage a link and provide a full list of URLs used within the dashboard.
Managing Links
You can quickly locate the required link in the list using the Search field in the tools panel (e.g. JELASTIC_COMMUNITY). Expand the record to see details on the URL. Here, based on your needs, different links can be provided for different user groups and different localizations. By default, the link value is provided for all groups and default language.
Below, you’ll find out how to:
Adding Link Value
You can override any default link value by adding more specific criteria (e.g. URL for a particular group will be used over all groups value). Choose the required record and click Add at the tools panel above to provide a new link value.
Within the opened Add Link dialog, you need to specify:
- Group - users' group the link should be displayed for (you can choose all or a specific one: beta, trial, billing, etc.)
- Language - the added link value will be applied only for customers with the specified language (can be default or a specific one)
- Link - a new URL, which can be stated with dynamic parameters that are substituted automatically according to the users data: %(lang), %(session), %(uid), %(email), %(balance), %(status), %(bonus), %(group), %(URL_DASHBOARD)
- Displayed Text - the way this link is going to be displayed for users (optional)
Click OK.
Do not forget to Apply the changes you’ve made via the same-named button in the tools panel.
Editing Link
To edit a link value, double-click the appropriate record or choose it and use the Edit button above the list.
In the opened Edit Link window, you can change the link’s Value and Displayed Text (just Value for the default settings).
Click OK at the bottom of the frame when ready.
Confirm the changes by clicking the Apply button within the tools panel.
Removing Link
To delete a particular URL value, choose it in the list and click the Remove button from the panel above.
Note: The default link (i.e. for all groups and default language) cannot be removed.
Confirm an action via the appeared pop-up.
Links List
This section provides details on all of the provided links. Click on a particular record to get a short overview of the element and its location within the dashboard.
ACCOUNT_CHANGE_PASSWORDIf needed, you can provide a link to the external password change service to be used instead of the default implementation. For example, can be used within email templates.
ACCOUNT_RECOVER_PASSWORDIf needed, you can provide a link to the external password restoration service to be used instead of the default implementation. For example, can be used within email templates.
ACCOUNT_SIGNUPIf needed, you can provide a link to the external account signup service to be used instead of the default implementation. For example, can be used within email templates.
ACCOUNT_VIEW_INVOICESIf needed, you can provide a link to the external page with invoices details to be used instead of the default implementation. For example, can be used within email templates.
BUY_SSL_CERTIFICATELink to the page where a user can buy an SSL certificate.
Location: Wizard > SSL > Custom SSL > Buy SSL Certificate (availability depends on the UI_BUY_SSL_CERTIFICATE user interface setting).
DOCS_APP_CONFIGURATIONLink to the documentation on application configuration that is displayed in a pop-up message after creating an environment.
DOCS_AUTO_DISCOUNTSLink to the documentation on the automatic discounts on the platform. It is displayed upon hovering over the hint icon for the Save line in the pricing widget at the topology wizard.
DOCS_AUTO_HORIZONTAL_SCALINGLink to the instruction on setting triggers for automatic horizontal scaling, which is placed within the following locations:
- environment Settings > Monitoring > Auto Horizontal Scaling subsection
- pop-up message that appears after creating an environment
DOCS_BLUE_GREEN_DEPLOYLink to the description of the blue-green deployment is located in the archive and Git/SVN deployment frames (in case of deploying to a non-PHP environment).
DOCS_CLILink to the platform command-line interface documentation available via the Help > CLI menu item.
DOCS_CUSTOM_DOMAINSThis parameter’s value defines a link to the documentation about domain binding, it is located in the environment Settings > Custom Domains section.
DOCS_CUSTOM_SSLLink to the documentation about enabling Custom SSL for your environment.
Location: Topology Wizard > SSL > Custom SSL > Learn more.
DOCS_DASHBOARD_GUIDEThis link leads to the Dashboard Guide documentation page. It is used within the first slide of the welcome tutorial.
DOCS_DEPLOYMENT_GUIDELink to the deployment guide that is displayed in a pop-up message after creating an environment.
DOCS_DEPLOYMENT_HOOKSLink to the deployment hooks documentation. Located within the Edit (Pre-) Post-Deployment Hook frames accessible from the archive and Git/SVN deployment dialogs.
DOCS_DOCKER_CONFIGLink to the guide on the basic Docker container configuration, displayed at the Search tab within the Docker section of topology wizard.
Also, is shown in the notification after environment with custom Docker containers creation.
DOCS_DOCKER_CREATELink to the instruction on managing your containers, which is displayed at the Search tab within the Docker section of topology wizard.
DOCS_DOCKER_ENV_VARSLink to the instruction on container environment variable management, which is located in the appropriate Variables layer settings section (can be accessed through topology wizard or using the Additionally list for a particular layer in environments list).
DOCS_DOCKER_KUBERNETESThis link leads to the Managed Kubernetes Hosting page. It is used within the first slide of the welcome tutorial.
DOCS_DOCKER_LINKSLink to the instruction on containers' linking, which is located in the appropriate Links layer settings section (can be accessed through topology wizard or using the Additionally list for a particular layer in environments list).
DOCS_DOCKER_PORTSLink to the documentation on the ports opened in containers, which is located in the appropriate Ports layer settings section (can be accessed through topology wizard or using the Additionally list for a particular layer in environments list).
DOCS_DOCKER_REDEPLOYLink to the documentation on container redeploy process, which is displayed at the Search tab within the Docker section of topology wizard.
The same link is shown at the Redeploy frame.
Also, is shown in the notification after environment with custom Docker containers creation.
DOCS_DOCKER_RUN_ARGSLink to the instruction on setting custom startup files for containers, which is located in the appropriate CMD / Entry Point layer settings section (can be accessed through topology wizard or using the Additionally list for a particular layer in environments list).
DOCS_DOCKER_SSH_ACCESSLink to the instruction on accessing Docker container via SSH, which is displayed in the notification after environment with custom Docker containers creation.
DOCS_DOCKER_USER_DEFINEDLink to the guidance on custom Docker registries management. It’s located at the Custom tab within the Docker section of the topology wizard.
DOCS_DOCKER_VOLUMESLink to the instruction on defining volumes for containers, which is located in the appropriate Volumes layer settings section (can be accessed through topology wizard or using the Additionally list for a particular layer in environments list).
DOCS_ENV_ALERTSLink to the documentation about setting and managing Load Alert notifications. The link is located in the following sections:
- environment Settings > Monitoring > Load Alerts tab
- pop-up message after creating an environment
DOCS_ENV_ALERTS_EDITProvides a link to documentation on editing Load Alerts. It is not used within the dashboard by default but can be used within email templates.
DOCS_ENV_ENDPOINTSDefines a link to documentation about attaching endpoints to containers; is displayed at the environment Settings > Endpoints section.
DOCS_ENV_EXPORTLink to the instruction on environment export feature, which is displayed at the environment Settings > Export tab.
DOCS_ENV_EXPORTSLink to the documentation on exporting data from a container. It appears in the Exports tab of the configuration file manager.
DOCS_ENV_FIREWALLLink to the container firewall documentation, which is displayed at the environment Settings > Firewall tab.
DOCS_ENV_IMPORTLink to the instruction on the import feature, which is displayed at the Import frame.
DOCS_ENV_MIGRATIONLink to the instruction on environment migration feature, which is displayed at the environment Settings > Migration tab.
DOCS_ENV_MIGRATION_LIVELink to the documentation on environment live migration feature, which is displayed at the environment Settings > Migration tab (within tooltip for the corresponding option).
DOCS_ENV_MOUNTSLink to the documentation about mount points; located at the Mount Points > Add Mount Point tab of the configuration file manager.
DOCS_ENV_REGIONSLink to the documentation on choosing the environment region, located at the Regions tab within the Quotas & Pricing frame.
DOCS_ENV_TRANSFERLink to the instruction on environment transferring, which is displayed at the environment Settings > Change Owner tab.
DOCS_FTPLink to the instruction on FTP-addon usage, which is shown at the appropriate installation frame and gives users some details on operating with nodes via FTP and FTPS protocols.
DOCS_GIT_SSHThis link is shown in the User Settings > SSH Keys > Private Keys tab and leads to the guide on connecting to the remote GIT repository by means of the SSH keypair.
DOCS_HORIZONTAL_SCALINGLink to documentation on the horizontal scaling, which is displayed in the topology wizard tooltip.
DOCS_MANAGE_LIFECYCLEProvides a link to documentation on Managing Application Lifecycle. It is not used within the dashboard by default (since the PaaS 5.7.7 release) but can be used within email templates.
DOCS_MARKETPLACELink to the Marketplace documentation, which is displayed within the first slide of the welcome tutorial.
DOCS_MOUNT_TYPE_CONTAINERLink to the documentation on creating a dedicated storage container, which is displayed in the Data Container tab of the Mount Points > Add Mount Point section of the configuration file manager.
DOCS_MOUNT_TYPE_EXTERNALLink to the documentation on external NFS storage, which is displayed in the External Server tab of the Mount Points > Add Mount Point section of the configuration file manager.
DOCS_MOUNT_TYPE_MASTERLink to the documentation on storing data in the master container, which is displayed in the Master Container tab of the Mount Points > Add Mount Point section of the configuration file manager.
DOCS_MOUNT_TYPE_NO_MOUNTLink to the instruction on storing data in local filesystem, which is displayed while adding a new volume in the appropriate Volumes layer settings section (can be accessed through topology wizard or using the Additionally list for a particular layer in environments list).
DOCS_MULTI_REGIONLink to the multi-region platform structure overview, which is displayed within the first slide of the welcome tutorial.
DOCS_NEW_HN_GROUPProvides a link to documentation on a new Host Group Addition. It is not used within the dashboard by default but can be used within email templates.
DOCS_PAY_AS_USE_MODELThis link leads to the Pay As You Use Cloud Pricing page. It is used within the first slide of the welcome tutorial.
DOCS_PRICING_MODELLink to the pricing guide, which is used in the environment topology wizard.
DOCS_PUBLIC_IPA link to the public IP description, used in the appropriate Ports layer settings section (can be accessed through topology wizard or using the Additionally list for a particular layer in environments list).
DOCS_RDP_ACCESSLink to the instruction on establishing remote desktop connection to the Windows-based containers. To find it at the dashboard, expand the Remote Desktop list for any Windows node and click Info. The link will be displayed in the opened frame, similar to the one below:
DOCS_REFILL_ACCOUNTProvides a link to documentation on Account Refill. It is not used within the dashboard by default but can be used within email templates.
DOCS_SESSION_REPLICATIONLink to the documentation about session replication. It’s placed in the topology wizard, on the High-Availability option switcher.
DOCS_SHARED_LOAD_BALANCERDocumentation on the platform Shared Load Balancer, link is located within Built-In SSL description in topology wizard.
DOCS_SMART_LOAD_BALANCINGThis link leads to the Out-of-the-Box Balancing page. It is used within the first slide of the welcome tutorial.
DOCS_SOFT_STACKProvides a link to documentation on Software Stacks utilized on the platform. It is not used within the dashboard by default (since the PaaS 5.7.7 release) but can be used within email templates.
DOCS_SSH_COMMAND_ADD_NODELink to the documentation on a new host addition via SSH command, located in the appropriate Add Host (SSH Command) frame at the admin panel.
DOCS_SSH_CONTAINER_TOOLSURL to the documentation on executing scripts at the remote servers, located within the User Settings > SSH Access > SSH Connection section.
DOCS_SSH_FILE_TRANSFERDocumentation on file management via secure protocols, located within the SFTP / Direct SSH Access tabs in User Settings, configuration file manager, etc.
DOCS_SSH_GATEWAYProvides a link to documentation on accessing VPS via the SSH Gate. It is not used within the dashboard by default but can be used within email templates.
DOCS_SSH_OVERVIEWProvides a link to documentation on the container access via SSH Gate. It is not used within the dashboard by default (since the PaaS 5.7.7 release) but can be used within email templates.
DOCS_SSLLink to the documentation about enabling Built-In SSL, located within Built-In SSL description in topology wizard.
DOCS_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHLink to the documentation on two-factor authentication, can be found within the User Settings > Account section (in case 2FA is configured on the platform).
DOCS_USER_ACCESS_TOKENSLink to the documentation on personal access tokens, can be found within User Settings > Access Tokens section.
DOCS_VERTICAL_SCALINGLink to the vertical scaling feature description, which is displayed within the first slide of the welcome tutorial.
DOCS_WINDOWS_RDP_ACCESSLink to the documentation on the remote desktop access to the Windows-based node. It can be seen in the dashboard notification after installing Windows node.
DOCS_WINDOWS_SERVER_FEATURESLink to the documentation on managing Windows Server. It is displayed in the dashboard notification after installing Windows node.
DOCS_WIN_DEPLOYThis link is placed at the Publish Info > Info frame for the IIS node and provides a user with the information on the .NET projects deployment.
DOCS_ZDT_DEPLOYLink to the description of ZDT-deployment, located next to the corresponding check-box in the archive and Git/SVN deployment frames (if deploying to the PHP environment).
DOCS_ZERO_CODE_CHANGESThis link leads to the Deployment with Zero Code Change article. It is used within the first slide of the welcome tutorial.
EXTERNAL_BILLING_PANELIf needed, you can provide a link to the external billing panel. For example, can be used within email templates.
HOSTER_POLICYLink to the platform Privacy Policy. It is located on the sign-up frame.
HOSTER_PRICINGLink to the platform’s pricing page, located at the Upgrade Account > Learn about Pricing menu item (for trial users).
HOSTER_SITELink to the platform homepage. The redirect is located on the logo at the top-left corner of the dashboard.
HOSTER_SUPPORTLink to the platform support page - Help > Contact Support menu item in the dashboard (for billing users).
The value of this parameter can be started with mailto: to redirect users to the form, which can be filled in and sent as an email notification to the support team.
HOSTER_TERMSLink to the platform Terms of Service. It is located on the sign-up frame.
HOSTER_TRIAL_SUPPORTLink to the platform support page - Help > Contact Support menu item in the dashboard (for trial users).
The value of this parameter can be started with mailto: to redirect users to the form, which can be filled in and sent as an email notification to the support team.
JPS_REPOSITORYLink to JPS Collection on GitHub that appears twice in the Import dialog box.
PLATFORM_API_DOCSLink to the API documentation - Help > API menu item in the dashboard.
PLATFORM_API_DOCS_DETAILEDPlaceholder which builds a direct link to a particular API method.
PLATFORM_COMMUNITYLink, that leads to the PaaS Community from the dashboard. It is located at the Go to Community button at:
- login form
- Help menu item in the dashboard
PLATFORM_DOCSLink to the documentation - Help > Documentation menu item in the dashboard.
PLATFORM_TRACKING_PIXELLink to the pixel image, which is required for tracking.
PLATFORM_VIDEOSLink to the platform YouTube Channel - Help > Video menu item in the dashboard.
PREMIUM_SUPPORTLink to an external page with premium support offers. Can be found within the Help menu, under the Get Premium Support option. By default, this option is displayed for the Lite Edition platforms only.
REFILL_ACCOUNTIf needed, you can provide a link to the external page for refilling the account balance. This parameter is not used by platforms with PBA/PBAS billing systems. For example, can be used within email templates.
UPGRADE_ACCOUNTIf needed, you can provide a link to the external page for converting the account. This parameter is not used by platforms with PBAS billing systems. For example, can be used within email templates.
VIDEO_PRICING_MODELLink to more info about pricing, which is displayed in a tooltip that appears upon hovering over the price in the topology wizard.
What’s next?