System Settings Overview

In the System Settings section of the admin panel, all the platform parameters are listed and can be adjusted to customize the platform.

You can view only the basic settings by default. To get a complete list of parameters, tick the Expert Mode checkbox at the top right corner of the panel. The Search box in the tools panel allows locating the necessary setting quickly.

JCA system settings

The table of system settings provides information on the parameters Name, Default and custom Values, Mode (USER or EXPERT), Description and the date of Last Change.

If you need to modify a setting, locate it within the list (e.g. via Search) and double click the line or use the Edit button at the tools panel.

edit system setting

In the opened frame, specify the required Value and confirm the change with the OK button.

apply system settings changes

Do not forget to Apply the changes with the same-named button - this will restart the needed component with new settings.

Settings for Scheduling System Jobs

There is a special group of parameters, which allows scheduling some of the system actions (mainly billing and statistics jobs) via the Quartz Cron expressions. In the table below, you can find the list of such parameters with their default values.

Setting NameDefault Value (cron format)Parameter Description
qjob.invoice.cron_schedule0 0 0 1 * ?
At 00:00:00am, on the 1st day, every month
Creates invoices for the post users in accordance with consumed resources for the last month and process the payment of these invoices
qjob.retry_pay_invoice.cron_schedule0 0 * 1-10 * ?
At second :00 of minute :00 of every hour, every day between 1st and 10th, every month
Retries to process the payment of the invoices that were not covered using the qjob.invoice.cron_schedule job
qjob.stat_2_money.cron_schedule0 15 * * * ?
At second :00 of minute :15 of every hour
Generates billing history based on the statistics that were collected by DumpStatisticTask and apps_options job.And charges billing users based on the generated statistics
qjob.retry_bill_apps.cron_schedule0 20 * * * ?
At second :00 of minute :20 of every hour
Tries to recharge the environments that failed to be charged by Stat2Money
qjob.retry_bill_accs.cron_schedule0 40 * * * ?
At second :00 of minute :40 of every hour
Tries to recharge all accounts that failed to be charged by Stat2Money
qjob.destroy_accs.cron_schedule0 02 * * * ?
At second :00 of minute :02 of every hour
Destroys deactivated users and removes users' personal data for destroyed accounts (if the setting is enabled)
qjob.deactive_accs.cron_schedule0 35 * * * ?
At second :00 of minute :35 of every hour
Deactivates users when:
- their trial period is over
- if their bonus/trial balance is lower than account.trial.bonus quota
qjob.notify_destroy_accs.cron_schedule0 20 * * * ?
At second :00 of minute :20 of every hour
Notifies the user that the account will be destroyed soon
qjob.predict_deactivation_accs.cron_schedule0 15 * * * ?
At second :00 of minute :15 of every hour
Notifies the user about upcoming deactivation of the account
qjob.threshold_notification.cron_schedule0 15 * * * ?
At second :00 of minute :15 of every hour
Notifies billing users when their balance falls below the account.personal.min.threshold quota
qjob.trial_end_notification.cron_schedule0 15 * * * ?
At second :00 of minute :15 of every hour
Notifies the user about the end of the trial period
qjob.account_statistic.cron_schedule0 50 23 * * ?
At 23:50:00pm every day
Collects statistics by groups and accounts statuses
qjob.invoice_checker.schedule0 0 0/1 1/1 * ? *
At second :00, at minute :00, every hour starting at 00am, every day starting on the 1st, every month
Checks the status of invoices of the POST group users in OBA billing system
qjob.stat_2_money_trial.cron_schedule0 30 * * * ?
At second :00 of minute :30 of every hour
Generates billing history based on the statistics that were collected by DumpStatisticTask and apps_options jobs and charges trial users
qjob.billing_history_aggregate.cron_schedule0 0 0/1 * * ?
At second :00, at minute :00, every hour starting at 00am, of every day
Aggregates (24h => 1 day) billing history to reduce the load on the database
qjob.autopay_level_balance_job.cron_schedule0 20 * * * ?
At second :00 of minute :20 of every hour
Tries to make automatic payment through an external billing system based on the user’s balance
qjob.sleep_passive_apps_of_trials.cron_schedule0 0 0 * * ?
At 00:00:00am every day
Hibernates environments based on their inactivity for the period stated in the sleep.after.inactive.hours quota
qjob.container_population.cron_schedule0 0 0/1 * * ?
At second :00, at minute :00, every hour starting at 00am, of every day
Collects statistics on the number of containers and their status
qjob.apps_options.cron_schedule0 0 0/1 * * ?
At second :00, at minute :00, every hour starting at 00am, of every day
Collects statistics on the usage of SSL, IPv4, and IPv6
qjob.log_envs_population.cron_schedule0 0 0/1 * * ?
At second :00, at minute :00, every hour starting at 00am, of every day
Collects statistics on the number of environments
qjob.log_cluster_load.cron_schedule0 0 0/4 * * ?
At second :00, at minute :00, every 4 hours starting at 00am, of every day
Collects statistics of the allocated RAM in percentage on the cluster
qjob.delete_illegal_containers.cron_schedule0 0 * * * ?
At second :00 of minute :00 of every hour
Removes containers which failed to be created or cloned
qjob.hardnodes_load.cron_schedule0 0/1 * * * ?
At second :00, every minute starting at minute :00, of every hour
Collects data about hardware nodes load
qjob.sync_envs_state.cron_schedule0 0/30 * * * ?
At second :00, every 30 minutes starting at minute :00, of every hour
Synchronizes locations and statuses of all the environments.Fixes “hanging” environments with one of the following statuses: LAUNCHING, STOPPING, GOING_TO_SLEEP, CREATING, CLONING
qjob.dbquery_report.cron_schedule0 0 0/1 * * ? 2025At second :00, at minute :00, every hour starting at 00am, every day, in 2025Collects custom reports (described in the system settings) and sends them to the stated email
qjob.pcs_cluster_statistic.cron_schedule0 0 0/1 * * ?
At second :00, at minute :00, every hour starting at 00am, of every day
Collects hardware node statistics for the PCS cluster
qjob.templates_update.cron_schedule0 0 0 * * ?
At 00:00:00am every day
Checks if new tags are available for dockerized templates. Synchronizes tags available on the platform & Docker hub
qjob.updater.cron_schedule0 0 0/1 * * ? 2025
At second :00, at minute :00, every hour starting at 00am, every day, in 2025
Performs complex updates, currently used for updating old containers with new firewall rules
qjob.ssl_checker.cron_schedule0 0 15 * * ?
At 15:00:00pm every day
Checks the status of Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate for platform domain and automatically prolongs it if needed
DumpStatisticTaskAt the beginning of every hour (hardcoded)Aggregates the collected statistics for each resource type on an hourly basis
CollectStatisticTaskEvery 20/60 seconds for Linux/Windows hostsCollects current statistics for displaying in the dashboard and for the further aggregation by DumpStatisticTask job

You can customize the jobs execution time and frequency up to your needs by adjusting the appropriate cron expressions.

What’s next?