Sleep Results Report
PaaS can automatically optimize platform performance by putting inactive environments into hibernation, allowing to release its resources (except the disk space) back to the cluster. Such “sleeping” environments can be manually awakened via the dashboard/a or automatically (in a few seconds) upon receiving an incoming request.
Tip: Hibernation can be configured for a separate user or group of them (usually, for the trial ones only) via the following quotas:
- sleep.after.inactive.hours - interval (hours) before hibernating inactive environments (0 to disable)
- sleep.stop.after.hours - interval (hours) before stopping the hibernated environment (-1 to disable, 0 for immediate stop)
The reports on the environments in the sleeping mode can be seen at the admin panel’s Reports > Sleep Results section.
State the dates you are interested in (Start and End Date) and click Refresh in the tools panel. The following information is provided:
- Start and End Period - the specified time range divided into per hour intervals
- Envs with HTTP Requests - counter of active environments that received at least one HTTP request
- Envs Mentioned In API Calls - counter of environments requested via API methods at least once
- New Active Envs - counter of newly created environments
- Inactive Trial Envs - counter of environments within the trial accounts without any requests received
- Inactive Billing Envs - counter of environments within the billing accounts without any requests received
- Duration - a time between Start and End Period values (i.e. interval)