Signups Report

The platform provides a built-in signups monitoring, which is available via the Reports > Signups section of the admin panel. For example, it can be useful to track and analyze the effectiveness of some ongoing advertising campaign.

Provide the period you are interested in with the Start and End Date fields in the tools panel and click Build to display the changes.

admin panel signups report


  • you can switch between the Aggregate or Per Day options of presenting data in the graph via the same-named tabs
  • hover over the chart to view the exact values for the moment in a pop-up
  • you can hide some graphs by clicking on the appropriate records in the legend

The graph (and the appropriate table below) provides the following information about signups:

  • Date - a particular day within the specified date range
  • Signups Number - a number of signups during the day
  • Aggregate Number - total number of signups since the start of the specified period
  • PaaS Side - a number of signups from Cloud Union page during the day
  • PaaS - Aggregate Number - total number of signups from Cloud Union page since the start of the specified period
  • Hoster Side - a number of signups from the hosting provider’s page/dashboard during the day
  • Hoster - Aggregate Number - total number of signups from hosting provider’s page/dashboard since the start of the specified period

Signup Attempts Info

The Signup Attempts Info tab provides an extended details on all of the signup attempts on the platform. If needed, you can adjust the period you are interested in with the Start and End Date fields in the tools panel, as well as Search by Email or UID. To reset filters click the appropriate Clear button.

admin panel signups attempts info

Here, you can find the data on the User ID (if the operation was successful), Email address used for registration, IP Address and Country of the user, Source and Signup Date of the attempt.

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