Tariff Grids

The Tariff Grids section shows the information on complex pricing, e.g. additional license or VM charges. Tariff grids are used when correct charging with the default metrics is not possible. Also, it can be used when a single stack (template) has multiple license options.

tariff grids

Within the section, you can view and manage the list of tariff grids on the platform. The table offers the following information:

  • Name of the grid
  • Templates that utilize this grid
  • Description of the tariff grid
  • Date of the grid addition

Upon selecting a particular line, you can see tariffs grid items that define which tariff should be applied based on the tariff grid options (resources/conditions, e.g. amount of workers or selection of the specific option). You can refer to the required item via API using its unique ID (the gray name in brackets).

tariff grid items

Tariff grids' most common use cases are LiteSpeed and Windows VMs license integration.

Managing Tariff Grids

Tip: Before making adjustments, ensure that you understand the concept of tariff grids.

You can manage tariff grids on the platform using the appropriate buttons on the tools panel. If needed, you can use the drop-down list to view and edit existing grids for resellers (but not add new ones).

reseller tariff grids

1. Click Add to open the Add Tariff Grid dialog. Here you can provide the following data:

  • Unique Name - unique identifier of the tariff grid
  • Display Name - alias for the tariff grid
  • Description - custom description for the tariff grid (optional)
  • Templates - list of templates the grid is applied to (all templates if not specified)
  • Strategy - charging strategy in case of tariff change (only applied to the hour when multiple grid items were used)
    • All - total cost of all utilized items
    • Peak - only the highest cost utilized item
    • Average - average cost of the utilized items

add tariff grid

2. Next, in the right-hand part of the window, you need to add at least one tariff grid item. In the opened Tariff Grid Item window, you can provide the following data:

  • Unique Name - unique identifier of the tariff grid item
    Note: If there are unused items (e.g. after removing a grid), you’ll have an option to select them instead of creating a new one.
  • Display Name - alias for the tariff grid item
  • Tariff - tariff associated with the grid item

add tariff grid item

3. To complete the item creation, you need to select at least one tariff grid option in the right-hand part of the dialog. The Tariff Grid Item Options window allows you to choose the required options from the list of existing ones.

select tariff grid item options

4. If there is no required option in the list, you can create a new one by clicking the Add button. Provide the following data:

  • Unique Name - unique identifier of the tariff grid option
  • Display Name - alias for the tariff grid option
  • Description - custom description of the tariff grid option (optional)

add tariff grid item option

Save all the changes made to finish a new tariff grid creation.

5. When editing the existing tariff grid, you can make the same adjustments as during the grid addition (except changing the unique names).

edit tariff grid

6. If needed, you can Remove the unnecessary tariff grid with the corresponding button.

remove tariff grid

Tariff Grids Concept

Each grid has a set of tariff grid options – measurable resource(s) or value(s) that are used to select tariff grid items. Each item corresponds to a specific tariff that is charged in addition to the regular pricing (only if option conditions are met).

Note: For the tariff grids to work correctly, ensure that options are correctly set to the node group with the SetOptions admin API.

Example 1. The tariff grid option is the availability of the specific add-on. In such a case, only one item is needed (i.e. additional charges when the add-on is installed).

tariff grid additional license example

Example 2. The options are the amount of reserved RAM and the number of vCPU cores. The items are various combinations of these options that determine the required tariff.

tariff grid resource plans example

What’s next?