Cluster Billing History

Use the Billing menu section to view and analyze the details of the platform users' payments and resource consumption.

In the Cluster Billing History report, you can overview the Cost Summary for the platform and, if needed, get data per a specific resource type (via the appropriate tabs).

cluster billing history

The data is displayed in the form of a graph with the table of exact values below. You can configure the required period and other filtering parameters up to your needs:

  • Start and End Date - provides a period to show the information for
  • Interval - sets a graph granularity (hour, day, week, month)
  • Users - displays data for free (i.e. trial and beta) or paid (billing) users
Tip: Additional Options list is available for the Cost Summary tab, allowing to include/exclude some specific resources. Also, the same-named list allows switching between fixed and flexible Cloudlets within the appropriate tab.

Once all the parameters are stated, click Refresh to update the graph.


  • the Cost data is shown in the currency of the platform (the HOSTER_CURRENCY system setting)
  • the data in filters is preserver across all tabs, e.g. you can easily apply the same period for all of them
  • you can hide graphs for the Invoiced or Bonus data by clicking on the appropriate records in the legend
  • hover over the chart to view the exact values for the moment in a pop-up

Billing Data per Resource Type

The platform provides a detailed Billing History for each of the resources provided by the platform (Cloudlets, Storage, Public IPv4, Public IPv6, SSL, Billable Traffic).

billing history per resource type

The layout for all these tabs is similar. In the left part, the data about the chosen resource Cost is displayed:

  • Date - periods based on the specified Start and End Date range and Interval
  • Invoiced - the amount paid for the resource
  • Bonus - the amount paid for the resource via bonuses

In the right part, the data about the consumed Resources amount is shown:

  • Date - periods based on the specified Start and End Date range and Interval
  • Invoiced - the amount of the resource consumed and paid for
  • Bonus - the amount of the resource consumed and paid for via bonuses
Note: The Resources table on the Cloudlets and Billable Traffic tabs provides additional graphs on the total Used cloudlets and All Traffic respectively.

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