Monitoring and Processing Users Activity

The Users JCA section provides information on customers, which are registered in the system. Here, you can find a list of all users with the following details provided via the appropriate columns:

  • Login - user email address (the upgrading mark indicates that account upgrade is in progress)
  • User ID - unique identifier of the customer within the platform
  • Group - assigned user group
  • Balance and Bonus - funds amount on the main and bonus balances respectively
  • Phone Number (optional) - the mobile number used during registration (if the phone verification is enabled)
  • Signup Date - date of the user registration
  • Reseller (optional) - the name of the reseller current account is assigned to (if any)
  • Notes (optional) - any additional information provided by cluster admins

admin panel users

Additionally, you can visually identify the status of a particular user using the icons before each record (green - active, blue - inactive, gray - destroyed or deleted, the lock icon - suspended).

You can search for a particular user either by email or unique ID - enter the required keyword into the Email or UID field and click Search. Also, you can filter the table by Group and Status via the appropriate drop-down lists at the tools panel.

Select a particular user from the list to view account information within the automatically opened frame to the right. Also, you can perform some management operations with the options at the tools panel and review user activity through the appropriate tab above.

Account Information

Select a particular line from the Users list to view additional information within the automatically opened frame to the right:


This tab provides the same functionality as the Environments section but is automatically filtered by the selected user.

users environments

Click on the particular environment to perform simple management via the tools panel and check details within the dedicated frame to the right (e.g. view topology or billing history).


The Subscriptions tab lists all the subscriptions of the current user. The table provides information on the subscription’s Product, Service Plan, Usage, Status, Cost, Period, Created, Ends, and ID.

users subscriptions

You can select a specific record to get additional info on the Usage (list of related environments) and Invoices in the sub-section below.

Audit Log

The Audit Log tab provides a report on the user’s activity - specify the required time range (Start and End Dates) and click on Refresh.

users audit log

Here, you can see the list of actions performed on the selected account by owner and collaborators (highlighted records with the User ID value). The table provides information on Date, Action (hover over and click the info icon for additional details), Action Type (PUBLIC, SYSTEM, or ADMIN), User ID (if performed by a collaborator), Duration, and Result (“Success”, in progress, or the appropriate error message).

Billing History

Billing History provides information about consumed resources and appropriate balance charges. The data is grouped per Interval (e.g. days) for the stated period (Start and End Date) for all of the user’s environments. If needed, you can additionally tick the Group by Node check-box to combine the same-type instances within layers into a single record.

users billing history

Click Refresh to update info based on the provided settings.


In the Quotas tab, the permissions and limitations for the user account are listed. You can Search the list to locate the required quota quickly.

users quotas

You can double-click a record for quick Edit - specify the new value and confirm via the Update button. If needed, use Reset to Group Value to roll back to the default quotas value.

Funding History

The Funding History tab contains information about all the balance changes for the current user during the specified period (Start and End Date). The upper section shows aggregated data on all of the billing actions, while the lower one lists all operations (with details on the Date, Payment Size, Billing Operation, and Notes).

users funding history

The possible billing operation types are:

  • Funding - refilling account
  • Bonus Funding - refilling account with bonuses
  • Registration Bonus Funding (trial) - bonuses for conversion to billing
  • Extra Bonus Funding (auto) - bonuses for refilling balance
  • Withdrawal - withdrawing money from the account
  • Bonus Withdrawal - withdrawing bonuses


The Info subsection displays the complete information on the user account in an easily perceivable form.

users info

Here, you can manage most of the provided data using the appropriate pencil icon (to work with multiple accounts at once, check the Management Operations section):

  • Email - the current account email
  • Status - user status
  • Group - customer group
  • User ID - account unique identifier on the platform (cannot be changed)
  • Ext. Billing ID - user ID in the external billing system (cannot be changed)
  • Balance - funds available for user
  • Bonus - bonuses provided to the customer (e.g. as a result of promotion), which can be charged by the platform for the provided resources/services instead of the real funds
  • Two-Factor Auth - state of the 2FA protection for the account (if needed, cluster admin can forcibly disable it to restore access)
  • Reseller - platform reseller current user belongs to (optional, cannot be changed)
  • Phone Number - mobile number customer registered with (optional)
  • Signup Date - date and time of the registration within the platform (cannot be changed)
  • Notes - any custom notes about the client, e.g. company name or deactivation reasons (don’t forget to Save Notes after providing/updating the description)

Also, you can use the Sign In as User button at the top to automatically log in with the currently selected account to the user dashboard.


The Collaboration tab lists accounts connected to the currently selected one via the collaboration feature. Based on your needs, you can switch between two modes using the drop-down list at the top:

  • Shared by User - list of accounts that have access to the currently selected user (collaboration Status is stated in the appropriate column)
  • Shared with User - list of accounts that the current user has access to

users collaboration

Use the Refresh button to update data.

Management Operations

Select one or several accounts from the Users list to perform some management operations using the appropriate options at the tools panel.

1. The Change Status menu allows manually adjusting the state of the selected user(s).

users change status

The Delete Personal Data option will destroy user, remove all environments, anonymize personal data (email and phone number) by converting into a hash, and change the status to Deleted.

Note: The Personal Data Removal feature can be adjusted using the following system settings:

  • - allows selecting the anonymization mode
    • PSEUDOANONYMIZATION - data is converted into a hash using the MD5 algorithm with salt (the same user won’t be able to register on the platform again)
    • ANONYMIZATION (default) - data is converted into hash using the MD5 algorithm with random salt (the same user will be able to register on the platform again)
  • - enables (true) or disables (false, by default) automatic deletion of users personal data for destroyed accounts; additionally, using the quota you can set a delay in days before data removal (0 by default - for the immediate deletion after destroy)
  • REMOVE_PERSONAL_DATA_ENABLED (UI Setting) - displays (true, by default) or hides (false) the Delete Personal Data button in JCA

2. The Sign In as User option allows accessing the developers' dashboard as a currently selected user.

users sign in as user

A new browser tab is opened by default, but (if you prefer) an alternative Open in Popup option can be selected.

3. Other Actions that are available from the appropriate meu at the tools panel.

users management actions

Let’s overview each of the available options and the data you need to provide for them.

4. The Actions > Change Group dialog allows re-assigning user(s) to a different group.

users change group

In the opened frame, choose the target User Group. If you want to notify the user(s), tick the Email Notification check-box and an Email Template to be used. Click OK to proceed.

5. The Actions > Change Email dialog helps to transfer an account to a different email address.

users change email

Provide a new Email and, if the notification email should be sent to the user, tick Notify User. Click Apply to confirm the transfer.

6. The Actions > Refill Balance and Withdraw Funds options allow managing user balance manually.

users refill balance

Set an Amount to be refilled or withdrawn, choose balance Type (main or bonus), and provide Notes to define a reason for the manual adjustment. Click OK to apply changes.

Activity History

By switching to the Activity History tab at the top, you can see a number of actions (Actions Count) performed by a user (User ID) during the specified period (Start and End Dates within the tools bar). Herewith, the displayed number considers only the operations mentioned in the Tasks Panel of the users' dashboard.

users activity history

You can click on a value within the User ID column to automatically switch back to the Users tab with the appropriate client already selected.

What’s next?