Platform Customization
- Platform Branding
- Google Analytics (optional)
- Account Protection (optional)
- Email Templates Customization (optional)
Platform Branding
It is important to personalize the newly installed platform by providing your company branding (logos, links, etc.).
1. Navigate to System Settings > Links to set the URLs used on the platform. Change the default links to your own. If needed, you can add the URLs for some separate user groups or adjust them due to the language used.
The main links that require your attention are:
- HOSTER_SUPPORT – link to support system or email address to your support team
- HOSTER_TRIAL_SUPPORT - link to support system or email address dedicated to helping trial users
- HOSTER_TERMS - link to your company’s terms of use
- HOSTER_POLICY - link to your company’s privacy policies
- HOSTER_SITE - link to your company’s home page
- BUY_SSL_CERTIFICATE – link to an external page to buy SSL certificates (if available)
- HOSTER_PRICING - link to the page with the hosting prices
2. Go to the System Settings section and configure the following parameters:
- HOSTER_NAME - name of the platform used in the emails, admin panel, dashboard, etc.
- URL_HOSTER_SUPPORT - link to support system or email address to your support team
- HOSTER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE - default language for the platform
- EMAIL_SIGNUP_SUPPORT - email address to receive notifications about failed signups
- EMAIL_SUPPORT - email address to receive the platform error reports
3. Next, provide company logos for the dashboard:
- HOSTER_LOGO – company’s logo to be used in the dashboard (180-300px by 50-80px)
- HOSTER_LOGO_SMALL – company’s small logo to be used in the dashboard (50-60px by 20-22px)
These values must be in the JSON format:
4. In order to provide a custom logo for the activation form, follow the linked guide.
Google Analytics
You can configure Google Analytics for the platform to monitor user activities, including all the traffic information, key functionality being used, and other actions performed via the dashboard. Each event’s label has UID to quickly locate the corresponding user within the admin panel.
To enable Google Analytics integration for your dashboard, find the GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CODE parameter within the admin panel’s System Settings (enable expert mode at the top-right corner) and provide a Google Analytics tracking code (you can obtain it after creating a property in the Google Analytics account).
Follow the Google Analytics Monitoring guide for the required configuration steps and a list of the tracked events.
Account Protection
The platform provides built-in tools to boost account security, ensuring platform admins’ and users' security.
- The most straightforward approach is an account activation to perform initial screening from the bots and spam registrations.
1. Navigate to the admin panel System Settings section, enable the Expert Mode, and search for the signup.activation.enabled parameter.
2. Double-click this setting to edit it and change the value to true.
Click OK to save a new value and Apply changes at the top of the System Settings section.
- For extra security during the registration, you can configure mobile number verification (via SMS or call).
1. Navigate to the admin panel System Settings section, enable the Expert Mode, and search for the signup.verification.method parameter.
2. Double-click on the setting to edit it and choose the SMS value from the drop-down list (for both message and call verification).
Don’t forget to Apply changes at the top of the System Settings tab.
- Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for extra protection from unauthorized access.
1. Use the following System Settings to enable two-factor authentication on the platform:
- signin.two-factor.enabled - set as true to enable the 2FA feature
- signin.two-factor.issuer.label - provide the authentication issuer (e.g. platform name) to be displayed within the authentication app
- URL_ACCOUNT_2FA_APP - provide URL to the mobile authentication application, which is required for 2FA ( by default)
2. It is recommended to set 2FA as an obligatory requirement for admins. Use the Actions menu within the admin panel’s Access Control tab.
3. Click the Enable Mandatory Two-Factor Auth option allows turning on/off the mandatory 2FA for cluster admins.
Within the appeared dialog, you can configure a delay for a few days before restricting access for existing users. Also, you can choose to send the appropriate notifications.
Email Templates Customization
The platform provides a set of default email templates, which are sent to the platform users during the different lifecycle stages. You can configure your master template and edit each particular email template due to your requirements (e.g. apply localization).
1. Adjust the master template. It is a base template that is applied to all emails (usually, header and footer for other emails).
2. Switch to the Email Templates tab and review the standard emails.
3. If you want to apply localization, export your English templates and use any preferred text editor to translate them.
Once ready, import emails back as the required language.