Reselling Requirements & Configurations
The process of a new reseller addition can be divided into two main stages:
- fulfill the pre-requirements and create a reseller account
- configure the main settings
- currently, the same email address cannot be registered at a parent hosting provider and reseller’s sub-platform simultaneously, as well as at two different reselling partners' platforms of the same vendor
- the environment transferring and account collaboration features are not available for accounts at different resellers' sub-platforms
- a separate billing system instance is required for each platform. The same integration cannot be used for both reseller and the parent platform
- resellers can integrate an external billing system using WHMCS, Stripe, OBAS, or a custom billing system using platform API
- if you need any customization, please discuss it with the assigned account manager first
Pre-Requirements & Account Creation
First of all, a reseller should contact the preferable hosting provider and negotiate the collaboration. Once an agreement is reached, the parent hosting provider will need the following data to create a reseller user:
- a regular account on the appropriate platform (create a new one, if required) to be converted into the reseller
- valid domain names for the platform itself and each desired region (follow DNS subdomains requirements)
- do not use jelastic/cloudlets in domain or platform names
- reseller’s regions correspond to the initial hosting provider’s ones, which means they are running on the same hardware, but over own domain names
Note: Provided domain names must be validated and approved by the platform’s account manager assigned to the respective parent platform.
Also, after the platform creation, we recommend submitting the reseller region’s domains to PSL (public suffix list). It can prevent the appropriate regions from being blocked (blacklisted) in case of abuse from the end-users (spamming, phishing, etc.).
- optionally, custom SSL certificates for the platform and region(s) domains; if not provided, Let’s Encrypt certificates will be issued automatically
Once all the required data is provided, it is possible to create a reseller account.
Main Settings Configuration
During the reseller account creation, the default settings are copied from the primary platform. However, some adjustments are required to ensure proper work and uniqueness of the installation.
1. Open the reseller admin panel, navigate to the System Settings (Expert Mode) section and configure the mailing parameters (use Search to locate them quicker):
- smtp.* - a set of parameters for configuring mailings from the platform to end-users; follow the linked guide and the tips in the Description column to state them properly
- - defines your support team email to be used for communication with customers
2. Some of the main options for UI customization are listed below:
- AVAILABLE_LANGS - list of languages available at the dashboardNote: Resellers can choose from the localizations provided at the parent platform only. So, a new language addition requires its integration on the main platform first.
- HOSTER_DEFAULT_LANG - dashboard localization to be used by default (one of the languages, defined within the AVAILABLE_LANGS setting)
- HOSTER_EMAILS_LOGO - your company logo in the .png format to be used within email notifications (the recommended size is 210x52 px)
- HOSTER_LOGO - your company logo in the .png format to be used at the dashboard (the recommended size is 273x70 px)
- HOSTER_LOGO_SMALL - a small version of your company logo in the .png format to be used at the dashboard (the recommended size is 81x20 px)
- HOSTER_LOGO_TUTORIAL - your company logo in the .png format to be used at the dashboard’s tutorial (the recommended size is 106x25 px)
- HOSTER_NAME - your company name to be used in the email notifications, admin panel, and user’s dashboard
- HOSTER_PRELOADER_LOGO - your company logo in the .png format to be shown during the dashboard loading (the recommended size is 273x70 px)
3. Perform any other required customization and Apply all of the changes with the appropriate button at the tools pane.
4. Within the Links and User Interface sections, you can adjust the used at the dashboard URLs and enable/disable some of the interface parts respectively (refer to the linked guides for the extended description of the available options).
Don’t forget to Apply the changes.
That’s it! Now, you know how to configure a reseller platform’s main settings and apply new branding. Other configurations and management operations can be performed via reseller admin panel similar to operating an admin panel of the parent platform.