Platform Installation on DigitalOcean

The platform Lite Edition is available for automatic installation on top of DigitalOcean infrastructure without any specific technical knowledge or skills. The deployment of a private platform can be performed from DigitalOcean Marketplace.

The minimum recommended size for the platform LE installation is 100 GB disk space, 8 GB RAM, and 4 CPU cores. However, based on your needs, you can select droplet of various capacities:

  • 8 GB RAM - for initial setup and small projects
  • 16GB RAM - for production environments with medium load
  • 32GB+ RAM - for large size development and production environments

The size can be chosen during the installation steps using a convenient DigitalOcean wizard. And the number of host servers can be easily enlarged via intuitive admin panel or using simple command lines even when the platform is already up and running.

Currently, you get a free trial license to run the platform LE on up to 10 nodes (a maximum of 64 GB RAM each) for 15 days. During this period, you only pay for DigitalOcean Droplets but not the PaaS license. Afterward, the license cost is 50% of the price of the chosen servers.

In order to install dedicated PaaS Lite Edition on DigitalOcean, follow the next steps:

1. Open PaaS installation page in DigitalOcean Marketplace and press Create PaaS Droplet. Log in using your DigitalOcean credentials (or sign up if required).

create PaaS droplet at DigitalOcean

2. Pick a tariff plan. In this guide, we’ll use Standard that includes a virtual machine with 8GB RAM, 4 CPUs, and 160 GB SSD.

choose DigitalOcean tariff plan

3. Choose a preferred datacenter region.

choose DigitalOcean datacenter region

4. Choose SSH keys as authentication method and add your public SSH key to the droplet by pressing New SSH Key button.

SSH key authentication method

The instruction on how to create a key pair is provided in the right column.

add public SSH key

5. Choose a hostname for VM and press the Create Droplet button (if required, enable backups).

provide droplet hostname

6. Wait until the droplet is created.

creating droplet for PaaS

7. Copy the droplet’s IP address to the clipboard and connect to the created VM via SSH under the root user.

copy droplet IP address

8. Once you’ve logged in, follow text instructions and type “yes” to start PaaS installation. Open in browser the provided installation URL to continue.

start PaaS installation DigitalOcean

9. Fill in the form with System User Email and the preferred Domain name for the platform. Click the INSTALL button to proceed to the final step of the platform installation.

PaaS system user and domain

10. You can track the installation process with SHOW DETAILS button or get familiar with the latest platform publications and updates.

PaaS installation in progress

11. Once the installation is finished the credentials appear in the successful installation window, as well as sent to System User Email.

DigitalOcean PaaS credentials

Note: Docker Hub applies a limitation on the download rate so that only 100 pulls per six hours are allowed for anonymous users. You can provide your Docker Hub account for the platform to increase the limit to 200 pulls (free) or remove the restriction altogether (any billing plan). Refer to the JCA > Templates > Docker Registries guide to set a default Docker Hub account.

12. With the provided credentials, you may go directly to the DEV PANEL and create the first environment. Follow the dashboard guide for more details.

DigitalOcean PaaS developer panel

Or navigate to OPS PANEL (Cluster Admin Panel) to manage your platform. Use JCA guide to get acquainted with the main available functionality.

DigitalOcean PaaS admin panel

What’s next?