Port Requirements for PaaS on Google Cloud

The platform requires a number of ports to be opened via the firewall for the correct work on the Google Cloud:

  • 53 (UDP/TCP) - for the access to the platform DNS
  • 11000-12000 (TCP/UDP) - for the endpoints feature support
  • 22 (TCP) - for the access to VM via SSH
  • 80 (TCP) - for the HTTP connection to the dashboard and environments
  • 443 (TCP) - for the HTTPS connection to the dashboard and environments
  • 3022 (TCP) - for the access via SSH
  • 4848 (TCP) - for the connection to the GlassFish, LiteSpeed, WildFly admin panels
  • 7979 (TCP) - for the export/import features support
  • 4901-4910 (TCP) - for the service ports, which can be proxied to the upstream instances, if needed. For example, these ports can be used by the application admin panel
  • 8443 (TCP) - for the alternative HTTPS connection
  • 8080 (TCP) - for the alternative HTTP connection
  • 8081 (TCP) - for the web installer

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