Add Host Group in Multi-Cloud PaaS

This instruction will guide you through the process of adding a new VM-based host group. You can find the in-depth documentation by following the link.

1. Prepare hardware that will be added as a new host (e.g., a new Vultr or Google Cloud VM).

2. Go to your platform’s admin panel and click the Add Host Group button at the top of the Regions panel.

add host group

3. Within the opened Add Host Group dialog, fill in the given fields on the required Basic Data tab:

  • Unique Name – set a unique name (cannot be changed later)
  • Display Name – set changeable display name for the admin panel and end-user dashboard (10 characters max)
  • Status – choose ACTIVE status
  • Comment – if needed, provide a short information on the current host group
  • Region – choose a region to add this host group
  • Virtual Network Group (VNG) - set the same as for other host groups in the region

host group settings

Optionally, provide additional information via the Advanced Settings tab and click Add to proceed.

4. Connect to the your VM via SSH as root and make the following adjustments:

  • set root password - execute the passwd (sudo passwd root) command
  • edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to:
    • allow password authentication - set the “PasswordAuthentication yes” parameter
    • allow root login – set the “PermitRootLogin yes” parameter

If needed, restart sshd (service sshd restart) to apply changes.

5. Add a new host via UI wizard as described in the linked guide.

Note: The new host’s IP must be from the appropriate region’s subnet but not from the ipRange assigned to the environments:

region subnet IP range

Also, ensure that your IP is not already in use by checking the admin panel’s IP Pools section.

add host settings

In the Advanced Settings tab, check the following values:

  • Do not Use as Docker Host (disable)
  • Use L2 Overlay Network (use the same IP address as on the previous tab)
  • External IP and Real External IP (the main IP address of your VM)

Note: For the Google Cloud VM, use VM’s internal address as host’s External IP and VM’s external address as host’s Real External IP.

Google Cloud VM IP address

host advanced settings

Do not add tunnels on the last Virtual Networks tab.

host virtual networks

Click Add and wait for the host to be added.

What’s next?